On December 21st, Yahoo Finance had an article from
Business Insider by Abby Jackson where a 35-year-old was suing his law school
for his inability to get a job (1). The legal notion is that the school falsely
advertised the resultants of what a college education will provide in income.
In short its advertising created the illusion that he would get a great job
earning a bunch of money upon graduation. Okay the article goes on to say he
couldn’t pass the bar exam. A legal degree without passing the bar is sort of
useless which makes one really question not the degree but the process of
getting into the law field overall. Sort of begs the question, why even have a
degree when the key thing is just passing the bar exam?
Meanwhile, back in 2011 a paper was published by Fastweb.com
and FinAid.org that talked about the need for greater consumer protections
where Private Education Loans are concerned through the new powers granted to
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under Dodd-Frank (2). The paper suggests
a series of to do lists most of which deal with providing loan education to
students and families, but also the notion of restoring bankruptcy protections
for borrowers of private loans (a really good idea and something that would probably
help our law student) (2).
Okay the ideas in the 2011 paper are great, but this doesn’t
help those who have went to the Bank of Ed (i.e. education loans provided by
the Federal Government). These loans are basically what the Street would call
junk bonds or penny stocks. They have no collateral under writing them and
there is nothing ensuring that they can be paid except the premise that people
with college education get more money.
While I do not disagree with the statistical fact that
higher education has historically provided greater income then lower amounts of
education these facts are based on observations mostly of the 20th
Century where the bulk of our populace shifted from lower amounts of education
to higher amounts as society and technology shifted to the modern era. In my
opinion most of what accounts for the higher incomes is the social wage
construct that the work associated with higher education should earn more.
When we started the 20th Century society we pretty
much had a three tiered system of wages. The base wage which pretty much
everyone got, the middle wage for managers and the like, and the top wage which
was given to owners of businesses and socially elite. But once the minimum wage
was legally created this created a new fourth and bottom tier. Since that point
educational attainment has been imprinted greater on to these four tiers. The
minimum wage tier is for the non-educated which has shifted to include now high
school diploma holding individuals, the next tier is for bachelor degree
holding people, the next tier is for masters and doctoral degree individuals,
the highest tier is reserved pretty much for the socially elite or 1% as they
have come to be known.
With our law student, he complains about being in the
minimum wage tier and inability to support his college loans, which is a big
duh since in the social construct of wage distribution he should be at least in
the next tier up but he isn’t. Here we have the inherent problem of socially
constructed wage distributions -- they are not guaranteed except for the lowest
tier currently. There is nothing in the law to automatically provide for
support of college loans based on educational attainment.
Currently there is a great focus and talk about raising the
minimum wage, and no doubt some of it would be coming from those 20 and 30
somethings saddled with college debt and no way out. A lot of the talk these
days is focused on how raising the minimum wage will kill jobs (3). While I do
not doubt that on a micro-economic level raising the minimum wage will impact
certain localities and particular businesses, overall all in the macro-economic
sense this impact doesn’t seem to be as big. Below is chart I created from
ALFRED showing two major industries typically where minimum wage work is found
and the change in the Federal Minimum wage over the last 75 years or so (4-6).
What you will really note is the fact most declines in
employment with these two industries appears to be more related to the up and
downs of business cycles than increases in the minimum wage. If the Federal
Minimum Wage was linked to a COLA adjustment then we might see a greater macro
influence on these employment numbers, but it seems to me the raise in the
minimum wage is more impacted by political pressure during tougher times
economically. In fact, during periods of business expansion one tends to see the
cost of goods and services rise since usually during these expansion periods
inflation can occur eroding the value of income. This could explain some of the
political pressure during certain periods of time. There also appears to be
politically the idea of raising the minimum wage during declining business
cycles will somehow improve the economy overall (note the changes during recession
periods marked in grey). Although I think this is more politicians catering to
a voting public than actual economic policy.
My point is we may be forced to raise the minimum wage
politically to ensure the Federal Government is not saddled with a large amount
of unpaid student debt. The minimum wage is the only tool the Federal
Government has to ensure there is enough income to pay these loans off when the
labor pool for higher education work is over crowded with too much supply. This
is what one gets for years of promoting higher education will lead to economic
prosperity, not unlike that early 20th Century idea that owning a
home will do the same thing and look where that got us in 2008.
(1) Jackson, Abby. (Dec. 21, 2015). A guy with $170,000 in
student loans who can’t find a job in the legal profession is suing his law
school and working full time for Uber. By Business Insider published on
YahooFinance. Retrieved from http://finance.yahoo.com/news/guy-170-000-law-school-204811509.html?soc_src=copy
(2) Kantrowitz, Mark. (2011). Education Lending Suggestions
for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Published by Fastweb.com
and FinAid.Org.
(3) Soergel, Andrew. (Dec. 22, 2015). Fight for $15 Not All
It’s Cracked Up to Be- Research suggests a higher minimum wage could increase
costs for consumers and weigh on job growth. U.S. News & World Report.
Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015-12-22/minimum-wage-increase-comes-with-cadre-of-potential-complications
(4) US. Bureau of Labor Statistics, All Employees:
Service-Providing Industries [SRVPRD], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis https://alfred.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/SRVPRD/, December
24, 2015.
(5) US. Bureau of Labor Statistics, All Employees: Retail
Trade [USTRADE], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
https://alfred.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/USTRADE/, December 24, 2015.
(6) US. Department of Labor, Federal Minimum Hourly Wage for
Nonfarm Workers for the United States [FEDMINNFRWG], retrieved from FRED,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
https://alfred.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/FEDMINNFRWG/, December 24, 2015.